
1.   Innovative composite materials based on secondary mineral resources with special-purpose, UTCB-Coordonator, ctr. 234/2014, 2014-2017, subcontract  nr.178/2014
2.  Innovative recycling technology for radioactive concrete resulted from the decommissioning of the nuclear facilities, partener UTCB, 2012 – 2015; subcontract nr.178/2012
3.  Special cement for composite materials used for gamma radiation shielding with nuclear application, CEPROCIM, partener UTCB, 2012 – 2016; subcontract nr. 177/2012
4.  Technology for neutralization of hazardous waste by recovery into vitreous and vitreous-ceramic matrix, PN2, ICIM,  partener UTCB, 2008 – 2011; subcontract nr. 294/2008