
The integration and contribution of building materials and construction works to sustainable development is a fundamental challenge of the present and future of the construction industry. The Research Centre of Mineral Waste Valorisation into Construction Materials was established in 2011. This is a research entity belonging to the Roads, Railways and Building Materials Department, Faculty of Railways, Roads and Bridges, Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest.

The Research Centre of Mineral Waste Valorisation into Construction Materials (CC-VADEMC) promote economy of primary resources, minimization of wastes and it valorisation by reducing, reusing and recycling as secondary raw materials for building materials, a major components of the sustainability concept of construction industry. CC-VADEMC activities are based on experimental and theoretical research – finding the source and characterization of  wastes and of materials which can be used as secondary raw materials in building materials; technical, economic and environmental compatibility of building materials with content of wastes; predictability of the environmental impact of construction products with wastes content.